Open Door Recovery Center
Substance Abuse Treatment Center
Offering quality Adult and Adolescent Substance Abuse Programs in Downeast Maine.
The Center was founded by William "Bill" Hills in 1984.
Programs Include: Adult Outpatient, Adult Intensive Outpatient, Family, Adolescent Intensive Outpatient, ADTC, D.E.E.P. (For Open Door Clients,) and an Outpatient and Inpatient Detox Program through a contract with Maine Coast Memorial Hospital.
We offer in-school prevention programs at many area Elementary Schools, and substance abuse counseling at area Middle and High Schools.
All counselors are State of Maine Certified
Serving Hancock, Washington & Penobscot Counties
Open Door Recovery Center
8 Old Mill Rd
Ellsworth ME 04605
Tel: 207 667-3210
Fax: 207 667-3133
"Open Door Recovery Center is committed to the health and well being of those members of our community suffering from chemical addiction. Its mission is to provide the highest quality outpatient treatment for our clients and their family members at the lowest possible cost. Since its founding, Open Door has provided treatment regardless of the clients' ability to pay.
Open Door regards addiction as a primary disease. Treatment follows the medical model, incorporating multiple methodologies and the philosophy of AA/NA and Al-Anon for life long support.
What is in the best interest of the client?
Client-centered - Credibility - Open-Minded - Spiritual - Cooperative - Committed - Supportive - Confidentiality - Excellence - Professionalism
Every addicted person affects approximately twenty people. By offering simultaneous treatment to the addicted person and those directly affected, Open Door strives to educate and support family members and loved ones. We have had the priviledge of watching many families reunite and resume healthy relationships as the client returns to being a productive member of society.
